Rowena J. Moore, L.A.H.S. '99, U.C. '03, is president this year of the Prytaneans, the woman's honor society of the University of California. This organization has turned over to the University authorities a considerable fund to be used in the erection of a student hospital. Most of the money was raised by a garden fete under the management of Miss Moore as president of the Prytaneans. Earle C. Anthony, L.A.H.S. '99, O.C. '03, editor of the '03 Blue and Gold, was one of the two authors of the curtain raiser for the football show, presented after the football game. It was a musical farce called Dora Flora. Its music was the Flora Dora music, and its action was laid on the island of "Fullofprunes." This month's number of the University of California Magazine contains two articles by High School alumni. One is an entertaining review by Miss Belle Cooper, '91, of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr. The other is a story called Gabrielle, by Miss Beatrice Snow, L.A.H.S. '99, U.C. '04. The Junior Farce had this year, as usual, several Los Angeles people in its caste. Beatrice Snow had a prominent part and played it very well. Philo Lindley, L.A.H.S. '99, U.C. '04, was one of the best of the men in the play. Louise Ehrmann and Donald Irwine were on the committee that managed the farce. Among the freshmen from the Los Angeles High School who have joined fraternities are: Miss Edith Furrey, Gamma Phi Beta; E. C. Bosbyshell and R. Sanderson, and E. R. Maier, Delta Kappa Eta; N. N. Baskerville and W. G. Dandy, Kappa Sigma; P. L. Wicks, Sigma Alpha Eta; R. H. F. Variel, Jr., is pledged to Phi Delta Theta. Miss Grace Barnett, L.A.H.S. '99, U.C. '03, is this year president of the Associated Women Students. Her second vice-president, in charge of the women's athletics, is Miss Mary Putnam, L.A.H.S. '99, U.C. '03. W. K Crawford is studying law at Columbia Law School. Frank Keirulf, who has just graduated from the University, is editor this year of the Intercollegiate. John A. Moriarty has been editor of the Daily Californian during the last term. J. Loeb was one of the associate editors. Robert Hoedel, L.A.H.S. '00, U.C. '04, sings in the Glee Club this year. C. N. Wright is a surveyor with the Arizona Copper Company at Morenci, Arizona. E. C. Bosbyshell played on the freshman football team in the intercollegiate freshman game. The freshmen who entered this year are : Miss G. E. Allen, Miss Z. G. Bailey, Mr. N. N. Baskerville, Mr. E. C. Bosbyshell, Mr. H. A. Encell, Miss E. L. Furrey, Miss E. Frazier, Mr. W. W. Gilmore, Mr. W. E. Hawley, Miss M. E. Jones, Miss E. I. Reynolds, Miss M. H. Metcalf, Miss M. K. Paul, Mr. R. Sanderson, Miss B. Smith, Miss L. M. Southworth, Miss Sue Van Wagenen, Mr. R. H. F. Variel, Mr. P. L. Wicks, Mr. W. G. Dandy, Mr. E. R. Maier.
The following Alumni are engaged in educational work:
The following Alumni are engaged in pursuits of the law: George Wilson, S. '92, is in Tien-Tsin, China. He is chief consulting engineer for the Chinese Engineering and Mining Co., Limited, with headquarters in London, and is also working in conjunction with the Chinese Minister of Mines and Railroads for the development of the mines of China.