In the Summer 1911 Blue and White, Los Angeles High School provides brief descriptions of her five sister schools:

Our Neighbors


The Gardena High School is situated about half way between old Los Angeles and San Pedro, near the "Shoe String Strip." It is on a farm of about 14 acres. In addition to the main building for general school work, there are two lath houses, a cloth house, glass house, shop, mushroom house, farm house, barn, soil laboratory, tool shed with a good farm equipment, a modern cement irrigation system. The agricultural department has established nurseries, an orchard, vineyard, alfalfa field and gardens.

The school offers four courses: Scientific, literary, household arts and agriculture.

The course in agriculture offers, in addition to the subjects generally taught, general science and gardening, botany, zoology (including economic entomology), chemistry and physics, each with emphasis on agriculture, horticulture and forestry; landscape gardening and greenhouse management; soils and fertilizers; farm crops and management; poultry culture and dairying; special problems.

A man recently asked facetiously, "Why is the Gardena High School?" This was the answer: "'At the head of all the sciences and arts, at the head of civilization and progress, stands - not militarism, the science that kills, not commerce, the art that accumulates wealth - but agriculture, the mother of all industry, the maintenance of human life.'" (Garfield).


Hollywood High School is in many respects the most fortunate school in Los Angeles County. Its twelve-and-one-half-acre campus, situated but three or four blocks from the foothills, in the heart of a beautiful suburb, and looking out upon the valley beneath, makes a site almost ideal. Upon this campus five large school buildings have been erected, grouped in the quadrangle plan.

The Science Hall, with large well-equipped laboratories for the study of physics, chemistry, physical geography, agriculture, botany, zoology, and an observatory platform for astronomy and meteorology, is said to be one of the best arranged and most complete science buildings among the secondary schools of the country. In the Household and fine Arts Building are taught classes in cooking, sewing, laundrying, nursing, drawing, metal-hammering, pottery, and craft work. The third of our new building, the Auditorium, has a seating capacity of eleven hundred people and contains besides a large, well-lighted stage, the music and oral-expression rooms. The classes in languages, history, English and mathematics, in addition to an efficient commercial department and shop, are situated in the main Administration Building, while a well-equipped gymnasium, with a good basketball floor, completes the group of building, although a sixth, the Mechanics Arts, is about to be erected. A well-kept lawn stretches in front of the school, basketball and tennis courts are scattered about between the building, while in the rear we have a splendid athletic field, with a four-forty track.

Whatever Hollywood enters in athletics, she enters with all her heart, with the entire school behind her; plays a fast, clean game; hits hard; and win, lose or tie, she accepts the result in a sportsmanlike manner. Online casino Ireland

This spirit is, perhaps, the best feature of the school. Our motto is: "Achieve the Honorable," and it is the constant aim of Dr. Snyder and the splendid faculty behind him to teach us, by precept and example, broader and nobler ideals of manhood and American citizenship.


"Manual Arts," the latest born of the city high schools, at once demanded the attention of sturdy childhood. It is a visible and significant witness of the public spirit of the citizens of Los Angeles. In the spring of 1910, from the royal gift of $750,000 for enlarging the school facilities of Los Angeles, $350,000 was appropriated to build and equip a high school in the southwestern part of the city. The constantly recurrent miracle of eager California, "Dreams of beauty come true in a day," is nowhere made more magically true than in this part of our city.

As Cadmus built his Thebes in a day, in the summer glory of 1910, the graciousness of her citizens, the constant vigilant supervision of its principal, Dr. Wilson, Made it possible at the end of that summer for 850 students to enter upon their high school life in a most generously equipped and fully organized school. While "Manual Arts," as its name indicates, stands for simultaneous training of hand and head, it offers all the usual academic and technical courses, with the exception of Greek.

New buildings are being planned and all our departments are growing rapidly, while an athletic field is being constructed.

Our "Manyana" will not be a dream for another world, but tomorrow. Los Angeles will have another high school which will be the peer of any in other cities, in beauty and adaptability to the needs of her youth, and another witness to her civic righteousness.


San Pedro High School was the last, save Hollywood, to become one of the six city high schools. Counting the date of our annexation as the year one, we are now two years old. In accordance with the imitative faculties of a child so young, we adopted many of the customs of our older sisters. Among the newly acquired customs, student government is, perhaps, the most popular. Under the direction of Mr. Clayton, this feature of our school has become one of importance. At the beginning of the year Mr. Clayton appointed a committee, known as the Board of control. Each activity of the High School is represented on this committee by one student and one faculty member. Any enterprise undertaken by any one of these activities must be presented to this Board and receive its sanction before it can be carried into effect. This organization was the nucleus out of which has grown our present system of self-government. This self-government committee consists of seven members chosen from the upper classmen, who have the power to appoint other committees to aid in the work. All matters of discipline, control of study rooms, athletic grounds, etc., are handled by this committee. This system, we think, is not essentially different from that of the other Los Angeles high schools.

Our imitative faculties are by no means destroying our creative ones, for we consider our new Marine Department sufficient evidence to create. While we are aiming to make this department the distinctive feature of our high school, yet we do not expect to sacrifice the cultural side of our high school life. A temporary laboratory is now being built on Government ground on the West channel, directly opposite Dead Man’s Island, and its location gives great opportunity for practical work and observations. Courses in woodwork, machine work, mechanical and architectural drawing, as applied to navigation and marine biology are to be arranged for in the near future.

The great object of our work is to prepare our boys to take advantage of the big thins now connected with our harbor and the great ones that are sure to come. We believe that a practical course of this kind can be carried out to better advantage here than elsewhere in the city, as the field is a natural one.


Six years ago from the Commercial Department of the Los Angeles High School was developed an institution which people called the “Great White Elephant.” Then, the question was whether or not it could be filled; now, the Polytechnic High School needs more buildings. Its graduates are found in both the business and the college world, many of whom are enrolled in the different universities of the country.

“The Greatest Help to the Many” is recognized as the official Polytechnic motto. It is carried out in the general curriculum and in all student activities. It is reflected in the student organizations, the most active of which are those that originated in the school itself: the Self-Government Committee is the self-governing body; the Scholarship committee assists failing student; the board of control manages financial affairs, the entertainments and the cafeteria; the Fire Brigade is ready to protect the building in time of fire. Other organizations, too numerous to mention, enjoy great prosperity at an excellent school and we are all proud of the great and growing institution.

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