Harrison Townsend, B.S.
Hewitt Reynolds, M.A.
Henry M. Pollard, A.B.
George J. Owen, A.B.
Henry B. Shriver, A.B.
Earle O. Titus, B.S.
Condit B. Grady
Ralph Russell
George M. Howe, B.S.
The property on which it now stands was bought by Mr. Deane from General Henry Strong, who had lived there for some time and had built a large home and several small buildings. This house was used as the main building of the school, while the two larger dormitories and the present chapel or living room were erected. These three new buildings were situated on two sides of a quadrangle, and were completed by summer time. In 1915, the former of home of General Strong which was about fifty yards from the chapel, was completely destroyed by fire. The space that was occupied by the house was taken up by the driveway and front lawn. The school buildings at that time, besides the three already mentioned, consisted of two garages, large stables and a corral. In 1916, these were supplemented by an infirmary, a well equipped manual training shop, and a master's cottage, of which the latter is now used as a dormitory by seven of the older boys and a master. The occupants are known as cottagers and are greatly envied by the boys who reside in the dormitories. In the summer of 1919, a study hall was completed. In this the boys who have a mania for study always (?) find peace and quiet, and those who never contract the decease have the said peace and quiet discovered for them. If one is so brilliant as to receive a fortnightly average of eighty-five or above in every subject, one is not required to come to study hall. However, this privilege is gained by only a brainy few. 1919-20 was Mr. Deane's last year as headmaster. At the close of the year he sold the school to Messrs. Harrison Townsend and Hewitt Reynolds, our present headmasters. The school property is forty-three acres in extent; there is a fair football field and a good baseball diamond. Four tennis courts, a rifle range, and a newly completed swimming pool, to say nothing of the gardens, make up the list of outdoor attractions. these gardens seem to take no end of ploughing, spading, raking, and watering, and yet show no change. For this reason they are the terror of the working gang.
Each of the dormitories has two spacious sleeping porches, separate dressing rooms for twenty boys, and two masters' rooms. On the ground floor of the Senior Dormitory are five class rooms, two masters' rooms, and a locker room. The ground floor of the Junior Dormitory is occupied by the dining room, the office, a locker room, and by two masters' rooms. The cottage consists of a large sleeping porch, dressing rooms, a master's room, and a living room. The main living room of the school in which chapel services are held is a very spacious, cheerful place. In it is a good pipe organ and a grand piano. this room is the natural gathering place and center of school life; by far its most popular piece of furniture is the phonograph around which are piled the latest 'blues' and 'fox trots.' On Saturday evenings the living room acts as movie house and a good picture is shown. Next year a Physics Laboratory is to be built and in the years that follow many improvements will be made. For those of us who are to return next fall and for its hundreds of future pupils, the Deane School will grow ever bigger, ever better, ever more able to care for those who seek good fellowship and knowledge with her halls; to those of us who never return, she will always remain and will always be remembered as the best teacher and friend we have ever known. |