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Los Angeles, California

Class of Summer 1926

This ARTISAN was issued at MANUAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL, Los Angeles, California, on June 24, 1926,
by the Class of S'26. Subscription price, seventy-five cents. Twenty-nine hundred copies were printed. Published by the school's Publishing Department.

Abbott, Marion Lutkemeyer, Vieve
Alderson, Gordon Lyon, Ruth Elizabeth
Alvin, Alma MacDonald, Edna
Anderson, Johanna Mackie, Stanley W.
Arnold, Walt MacLane, Phil
Arvey, Verna Magner, George
Atteberry, Edna Marsh, Delos Edwin
Atteberry, Helen Marshall, Erskine
Ayers, Allan Marshall, Harriet M.
Balch, Mary Louise Martin, Arthur V.
Bannerman, Lila Martin, Lloyd
Barkelew, Dorothy Marx, Helen
Baskerville, Mary Mason, Ernest
Bauer, Frank Mattie, Carol
Bell, Marjorie Mae Maurer, Milton
Bennett, Earl R. Mayer, Julia C.
Bermel, Theresa McAlpin, Betty
Bessony, Esther McCanne, Grace Nelson
Bird, Erwin McCloud, Earl R.
Bishop, Dorothy Schoen McCollum, Charles O.
Bissell, Elizabeth G. McCormick, Bruce
Bland, Lois McCrum, Hugh R.
Bliss, Maxine McFadden, Seaton B.
Boiteux, Agnes McKee, Florence
Boles, Maurice McMillan Margaret
Bowler, Manley John McMurchy, George E.
Brady, Kenneth McNabb, Doris
Brandt, Charles J. McPherren, Lillian
Broughton, Ruth Menacker, Shirley Irene
Brown, Helen Jane Menz, Madeline Dorothy
Burke, Rosalie L. Merriman, Verona
Busby, Margaret Metcalf, Frank
Caraco, Albert Middleton, Gladis E.
Carr, Erick Ernest Mikkelson, Edith Marie
Catley, Mary Elizabeth Miller, A.B.
Chapman, Elmer Leonard            Miller, Clara Frances
Cheney, Magaret Miller, Glen
Christianson, Clifford F. Miller, Mable A.
Chrysler, Shirley Miller, Orpha
Church, Reba Minock, Daniel F.
Clapsadel, Thorp Moler, Mary Beulah
Clark, Rose Moorhead, Virginia
Coddington, Clinton Nakamoto, Elton
Cohen, Bernard Nelson, Cyrus Nettleton
Cohen, William Newbury, Margaret
Cohn, William Olinghouse, Pearl
Cook, Clarence L. Orendorf, Ethel F.
Cooper, Grace Owen, Gerald
Corbett, Ethel Pape, Virginia
Coulombe, Ruth Parsons, Clare Mae
Craddock, Juanita O. Patterson, Neuton
Crampton, Laverne Payne, Ethel E.
Crewe, Evelyne Peck, Lorraine
Dawe, Marriot Peel, Robert Grant
Dear, Juanita Grace Peery, Roger
DeWitt, Dorothy Pelletier, Mac
Di Miceli, Leonard Peters, Gertrude
Dietrick, Honor Margaret Peters, Pauline
Dixon, Genevieve Peterson, Howard
Drebner, Marie Frances Pfenning, Elsa B.
Duff, Helen Phillips, Gertrude
Duff, Johnny Cleland Pickhardt, Ruth Alberta
Dugger, William Pierce, Edgar DeWitte
Dumont, Rene Piper, Erwin
Dutton, Harold S. Platoff, Dorothy
Ekman, Catherine Porter, Marguerite F.
Elvidge, Lyman Porter, Marguerite F.
Enterline, Elmer E. Jr. Powell, Harry
Fairclough, Oral Pratt, Raymond C.
Faubion, Beatrice Pritchard, Phyllis
Ferguson, Sara M. Prosser, Donald Niedhart
Fink, Anthony Pulone, Dante
Finney, Howard William Purple, Jessie
Fladeland, Helene D. Raisin, Laura
Fleck, Hazelle Rankin, Frances Eleanor
Flynn, Edward Reed, Howard L.
Flynn, Francis Rettke, Vashti
Foladare, Joe Rice, Robert L.
Forrer, William Richards, Eloise
Forrest, Perneta Ricker, Clare Belle
Foulkes, Mirrie Riddle, Mariea
Fox, Stanton E. Ridge, Grace Emma
Frank, Anna Marie Rilliet, Vivian Faure
Frayer, William Roberts, El Rey
French, Vivian Robey, Helen
French, Wilda Robin, Sara
Freshman, Ben M. Rockoff, Richard M.
Garst, William Louis Roe, Cecil
Gibson, Mary Roraback, Thelma
Gilchrist, Allene Ross, H. Carl
Gilmore, Jean Rothstein, Leonard J.
Goldner, Floyd Russell, Clair
Goodell, Emma Ryckman, Fred
Goodman, William Saito, Nakao
Graves, Don Sampson, Foster K.
Gray, Hazel Schink, Frieda J.
Green, Maveria Schmidt, Kermit R.
Greenwood, Virginia Schroeder, Virginia
Grossman, Jean Schultz, William F.
Grovenbery, Margaret Schulze, Marion
Grymes, Gertrude Scott, Paul H.
Hager, Harry Segner, Elaine
Hamer, Ralph Shapiro, Abe
Hanford, June Shaw, Myron Chas.
Harris, Lorris Sheehy, Evelyn
Hartley, Carol Simon, Charles McNeill
Haxton, Agnes W. Skipwith, Marvin
Hayes, Helen Sleeper, Wesley A.
Hedstrom, Ruth V. Smith, Frances
Heflin, Elizabeth Smith, Kingsley
Heintz, Bert Smith, LaParle
Hempe, Norman Smith, Mary Jane
Herring, Gertrude Smith, Muriel
Hildeman, Lester Solomon, Alfred
Hirson, Estelle Steadman, Lois
Hochull, Margaret E. Steele, Preston
Hogan, Audrey Steven, Muriel
Hokanson, Roy E. Steward, Fred
Holden, Gwendolyn Stewart, William Temple
Holmes, Jack Straka, Josie
Hope, Mary M. Strauss, Abe
Hopps, Byron Sutton, Ruth Atwood
Horsfall, Ruth Ann Sweeley, Glenn
Howard, Arthur H. Swett, Dorothy L.
Hudson, Alice Sykes, Dorothy Jean
Huey, Art Tarsky, Erwin
Hummel, Myron Tarsky, Rose
Hunt, Charlotte Teissler, Mary C.
Huntoon, Ross Tendler, Clara
Hutchins, Elsie Teske, Charles
Ingram, Gladys Thomas, Elizabeth
Issbelle, Marion Thomas, Joe Fred
Iwwerks, Marion Thompson, Blossom
Jacobs, Winnifred G. Thompson, Charlotte
James, Helen Thompson, Mary J.
Jansen, E. Rosemary Thush, Heine H.
Janssen, Florence Timoor, Zephyr
Jefferson, Ronald Tintinger, Karl
Jenkins, Nell Trippe, Gordon
Jenner, Donovan L. Trump, Milford
Johnson, Leleith Tucker, Elinor
Johnson, Phillip F. Tucker, Gilbert J.
Johnston, Helen Tucker, Miriam E.
Kaasa, Pearl G. Urick, Georgia Claire
Kauder, Arnold Valentine, Mayne
Kays, Mildred Alice Vollstedt, Helen Mae
Keehn, Joseph James Vonder Reith, William F.
Keene, Mary Virginia Wadsworth, Edwin A., Jr.
Keller, Amelia G. Waggoner, Ola
Kelly, Dorothy A. Wahlquist, Gunnar
Kennedy, Ruth Wakefield, Cora
Kerber, Harry Walker, Florence
Kessler, George J. Wallace, Ellen
Kirk, Robert Wallad, Clara
Knabusch, Ed Wallen, Israel Leo
Kocher, Billie Marie Walton, Ethel
Kowitz, Evelyn Waterworth, Aususta B.
Kuchenbecker, Irma E. Weaver, Douglass
Lange, Laurence Weigel, Dorothy
Larson, George William Welch, Harry
Larson, Marie Westworth, Genevieve
Laslo, Mary White, Carroll
LeCuyer, Louis Whittier, Lois Virginia
Lee, Mabel Violet Wills, Lila
Leggett, Edith Wilmeth, Marjorie
Leitzell, Hazel Grace Wilson, Kathryn
Levin, Edward Wissig, Mark
Levine, Ernest Wood, Gordon A. Jr.
Lind, Jennie M. Woodruff, Ina B.
Lockett, Dolores Wright, Grace M.
Lomas, Lewis H. Yeaky, Maxine Ruth
Louis, Marilyn Yocum, Eleanor Ethel
Lowry, Lorraine Edna Young, Lorraine C.
Lugenbuehl, Bernice Zeigler, H. Lucille

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