From the
Blue and White
Issued by the

Winter Class of 1929
Los Angeles High School

Los Angeles, California

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Adams, Ruth Ginsberg, Milton McGibbon, Isabel
Andrews, James Graves, Helen Midkley, Geraldine
Ayres, Dorothy Gros, Martha Miles, Josephine L.
Barber, Mildred Hampton, Thomas Mitchell, Stanley
Betts, Dorothy Harmsen, Margaret Moffatt, Virginia
Boyd, Ellen Harris, Albert Murphey, Marion
Bradbury, Fred Henney, Francis Olds, Marion
Brower, Richard Holdridge, Caroline Platt, Dave
Caldwell, Beth Holzman, Philip Preston, Elsie
Cameron, Bernice Horner, Virginia Protheroe, Ann
Campbell, Dorothy Houlette, Lyman Riskin, Vesta
Cane, Edward Hughes, Mary Ellen Royer, Franklyn
Chotiner, Seymour Johnson, Hester Salver, William
Cook, Jean Jump, Janis M. Shaner, Blanche
Criley, Lucile Kamm, Marjorie Sparks, Brian
Dale, Marion Kaufman, Sidney Stauter, Katherine
Denison, Terence Knoth, Alice Suttle, Bart
Denny, roberta Lissner, Aline Taggart, Eleanor
Evans, Marion Madden, Mary Vorhes, Dorothy
Farnsworth, Marthalice      McArthur, Arthur Whitmore, Alice
Feckler, Guinevere McCoy, Isabel Whitten, Warren
Fierman, Lee McDonough, Thomas       Wilgus, Jack
Fritsche, Maybelle   Woodhull, Franklin


Biehl, Martha Ewing, Lee Lewis, Jane E.
Blumberg, Selma     Goodman, Blanche      McPherrin, Frances
Bowker, Britton Harris, Fred Redfield, Hazel B.
Crawford, Ames Harris, Mildred Schoenfield, Sadonia
Dyer, Elizabeth Huber, Norris Schumacher, Frank
Edick, Marjorie Kingsley, Robert Smith, Jerome
  Levine, Stanley  


Hahn, Margaret Kahn, Regina Loeb, Kathleen
Jacobs, Marjorie Koster, Mary Lee      Shaw, Bernice
Joseph, Frances      Levenson, Irene Taub, Charles


Arthur, James Cooper, Walter Magnus, Jean
Bates, Francis Katsev, Arthur Quirk, Akeley
Bergstrom, George      Kelly, James Smith, Russell
Briggs, Reid Levy, Maurice Spaulding, Katherine
Burks, Paul Lewis, Marion Walker, William
Collins, David Lombardi, Frank      Wilson, Philip


Ault, Claude Cunningham, Inez      Hughes, Dorothy
Barker, Beatrice Doumakes, John Inglis, George
Black, Margaret Duerr, Helen Kelly, Katherine
Bowne, Jewell Etchepare, Victoria Lazerus, Max
Cambie, Norah Gunn, Margaret Lenk, Blanche
Carr, Evelyn Hight, Helene Moore, ruth
Compton, Mary Louise      Hingst, Dorothy Schmidt, Fred
Cook, Eleanor   Schor, Henrietta


Beeman, Rosemary Mills
Byers, Lucile Otis Art Institute
Carter, Margaret Holmby School for Girls
Chattin, Elizabeth Cumnock School for Girls
Clark, Peggy Ward's College, Tennessee
Davidson, Florence Occidental
Dibble, Donna Hillsball College, Michigan
Fayle, Jean Mills
Ferris, Folsom Pomona
Gray, Ida L.A. Coaching School
Hanson, Florence Oregon
Hecox, Elizabeth F. Shimer's School for Girls, Ill.
Hellerstein, Lillian Pasadena J.C.
Higbee, John Glendale J.C.
Hosobori, Toshi Keukay College, New York
Howes, Betty Pomona
Jones, Charlotte Mills
Keeler, Rosemary Mills
Koch, Sibella Coeliner Music School
La Motte, John Pomona
Mellen, Elizabeth Nat. Kindergaretn School, Chicago
Mercer, Jane Oregon
Nowlin, Mary Ellen F. Shimer's School for Girls, Ill.
Rawlings, Helen Mills
Sanders, Norton University of Georgia
Satterlee, Dwight Morosco School for Drama
Scroggy, John Glendale J.C.
Shapiro, Mae Otis Art Institute
Shillinglaw, Louise Mills
Sinclair, Virginia Pomona
Singer, Leona Southwestern College
Smith, Sellers William and Marys College
Terrell, Henry Harvard Military College
Van Schoiack, James Loyola
Walker, Myreen Southwestern College
Walsh, Lorraine Pittsburgh University, Penn.
Weisberger, Sedalia U.S.C. Preparatory School
Woods, Gordon Whittier College
Woodward, Katherine       University of Texas

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