LOG Annual Publication of the Associated Students of
Glendale Junior College Glendale, California Online casino Ireland1933
Bob Alcorn | | Constance Lee |
Jack Anderson | | Esther Leonard |
James Anderson | | Phil Lewis |
Jean Angier | | Jean Lyans |
Keith Arnold | | Marcus Lytle |
Richard F. Arnold | | Janet Mabry |
Mary Jo Baird | | Frances Malcom |
Echo Bennett | | Howard Mallory |
Howard Bentley | | Bromley Marple |
Jean Bernard | | Bill McAdam |
Tom Blackburn | | Celia Mary Meehan |
Sadie Mae Boggs | | Herbert Montgomery |
Bette Boone | | Todd Mulford |
Bill Bowne | | Henry Mulleda |
George Bryant | | Stuart Nixon |
Margaret Buettner | | Marguerite Norris |
Inez Caddell | | Dixie North |
Robert Carter | | Don Offill |
Betty Case | | Margaret Louise Orear |
Virginia Case | | Fred Ostendorf |
Ethylmae Clement | | Norman Parker |
Ed Conn | | Clara Perkins |
Ed Conroy | | Edgar Perry |
Stanley Cox | | Marguerite Poore |
C. Milford Coye, Jr. | | Jack Powers |
Eleanor Crossland | | Dorothy Pritz |
Thornton D'Arc | | Alice Ray |
Robert Davis | | Conrad Reslock |
Josephine De Brulier | | Harriet Reynolds |
Bob De Journette | | Robert Reynolds |
Jack Dillon | | Leslie Rice |
Bill Donnally | | Herbert Richardson |
Byron Durley | | Charlice Rives |
Richard Ellis | | Marian June Robbins |
Alfred Estes | | Richard R. Rogan |
Rose Finlay | | B. B. Sadorra |
Evelyn Flower | | Madelyn Scheid |
Jack Flynn | | Ruth Selkirk |
William Fowlks | | Clyde Shelberg |
Floyd Freel | | Virginia Sippel |
Rowland Fullen | | A. L. Bill Smith |
Sara Garrett | | Arlie Smith |
Mary George | | George Smith |
Emma Lou Glaescher   | | Vene Smith |
Louise Glenn | | Dorothea Smithson |
William Glenn | | Phil Sonntag |
Donald Grey | | Kenneth Stafford |
Albert Grieve | | Ev Stahl |
Maryalis Hadley | | Lester Steers |
Ben Hagen | | Shirley Stenson |
J. Irwin Hamer | | Bert Stone |
Homer Hare | | Bob Taylor |
Elaine Hasson | | Charlotte Tefft |
Katherine Henry | | Margaret Terry |
June Howell | | Lawrence Thompson |
Helen Jessen | | Woodruff Toal |
Barbara Jones | | Ruth Tracy |
Ruth Jones | | Vincent Voellinger |
Howard Kimball | | Ernie Lee Walker (female) |
Austin Kimble | | Robert Webster |
George Kimble | | Genevieve Wenger |
Bob Kirmse | | George Wheatley |
Lowell Kramer | | Robert Whitacre |
Elizabeth Kurkjian | | Bill Willis |
M. D. Kyle | | Burr Yarick |
Adelaide Laraway | | Leonard Yerby |
Barbara Laraway | | Charles Yoakum |
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