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Graduating Class
Winter 1935

Transcribed and contributed by Peggy DeHoog

Almanac Staff

Margaret A Lientz - Editor In Chief
Dorothy Unwin - Literary Editor
Doris Rodau - Art Editor
Robert Sweger - Business Manager
Jack Gillean - Assistant Editor
Betty Zinn - Associate Editor
Vera Barnes - Associate Editor
Minturn Taylor - Managing Editor
Otho Mack - Sports Editor
Rodna Hildebrand - Feature Editor
Evered Cross - Assistant Art Editor
Charles Fredeen - Publicity Manager


Robert J. Teall, Principal
Edith M. Hodgkins, Girls' Vice-Principal
W. Bruce Kirkpatrick, Boys' Vice-Principal

Student Body Officers - Winter '35

Geraldine Boone - First Vice-Pres.
F.W. Wilson - President
Fred Hiroto - Second Vice-Pres
Maraget A. Lientz - Secretary

Senior Class Officer - Winter '35

Florence Cushman - Vice-President
Oakie O'Connor - President
Rae Parker - Secretary
Ruth Simonson - Treasurer
Pat Quinn - Yell Leader
Afton Knighton - Yell Leader
Norma Jean Hough - Social Chairman
Earl Duffy - Social Chairman

Winter C.S.F. Life Members and Ephebians

Richardson - C.S.F and Ephebian
Rosenbert - C.S.F and Ephebian
Ashley - C.S.F and Ephebian
Simonson - C.S.F and Ephebian
Dutcher - C.S.F and Ephebian
Hansen - C.S.F.
Moline - C.S.F.
Cordoba - C.S.F.
Warner - C.S.F.
Asplund - C.S.F.
McKee - C.S.F.
Crieman - C.S.F.
Martinson - C.S.F.
Cox - C.S.F.
Haig - C.S.F.

Senior Class of Winter 1935

Anderson, Leo Hagaman, Charlotte Moline, Bob
Andrews, Marjorie Haig, Vahe Moore, Carl
Ashley, Virginia Hamilton, Pauline Moore, Ray
Asplund, Virginia Hansen, Lillian Murray, Nellie
Atkins, Dudley Harmon, Robert Nash, Robert
Aycock, Gladys Harrington, Frances Nowell, Louis
Babbidge, Bob Harris, Alice O'Connor, Oakie
Bailey, Beth Haylette, Orville Osborn, Ray
Bartlett, Bill Hendrix, Alberta Parker, Rae
Bates, Betty Hennan, Ivadell Patterson, Eldredge
Beidelman, Dick Hiroto, Fred Penny, Katherine
Benson, David Holmes, Lucille Phelps, William
Biles, Fred Holz, Leonard Price, John
Boone, Geraldine Hood, Hilda Quinn, Pat
Boyd, Russell Hough, Norma Quint, Olive
Bradford, Lillian Howell, William Raisor, Reta
Bredlau, Eunice Hulbert, Helen Ray, Catherine
Brennan, Myrtle Inslee, Ruth Rego, Doris
Brokoven, Marian Jenkins, Bob Reynolds, Ruth
Burgess, Rosamond           Karikas, Charles Richardson, Joe
Burnett, Fay Kayser, Sophia Ritzman, Evelyn
Burrows, Lawrence Keating, Edward Robberson, Robert
Burrows, Robert Kimmel, Maurice Roberts, Myriel
Byrns, Dorothy Knighton, Afton Roberts, Winifred
Campbell, Harvey Knudson, Marvin Robinson, Wesley
Carey, Charlotte Korn, Meryl Rosenberg, Minnie
Carson, Maxine Krueger, Rudolph Sale, Martha
Catherman, Emily Lammey, Iva Salinger, Albert
Ccolescott, Edna Lange, Franz Schaefer, John
Cheney, Margaret Lange, Frieda Schaffer, Rusell
Clark, Homer Larson, Arthur Segar, Blanche
Clements, Edward Larson, Helen Shafer, Alma
Cohen, Arthur Lavatelli, Leo Shanabrook, Charles
Cooper, Maurine Lee, Mary Shaw, Clifford
Cordoba, Andrew Lewis, Esthermae Shaw, Vincent
Cox, James Lewis, Marian Simonson, Ruth
Cox, Jean Logie, Andy Slafter, Iris
Crapo, Ray Lotz, Carl Smith, Kenneth
Creiman, Ralph Luce, Ruth Smith, Naomi
Cushman, Florence Lutender, Rose Soderberg, Halsey
Damron, Melrose MacMinn, James Stansauk, Otto
Davis, Ruth Mahan, Kenneth Stewart, Betty
DeWitt, Woodrow Maier, Gus Stiffler, Paul
Downs, Tom Mantell, Carmel Stoltenbert, Margaret
Duffey, Earle Martinson, Dorothy Sutter, William
Dutcher, Tom Mathewson, Max Szedlak, Helen
Eastlack, Margaret McClintock, Delores            Taylor, Thelma
Egan, Wanda McConnell, Richard Trammell, Virginia
Feito, Martin McConnell, Robert Veline, Gladys
Finn, Edwin McCready, Bodie Wagner, Elizabeth
Foreman, Roland McCune, Helen Warner, Irene
Foster, Lavania McDannald, Lloyd West, Val
Freeman, Martha McEwen, Dorothy White, Judith
Freeman, Victoria McGovern, Eloise Wicher, Georgianna
French, Betty McIntire, Richard Wigley, Cyril
Frost, Ramona McKee, Margaret Wilder, Evlo
Gable, Doris Meredith, Eunice Willis, Josephine
Goncz, Gladys Meredith, Roberta Wilson, F.W.
Graves, Martha Meyer, Don Wisdom, Norton
Greenfield, Carol Miller, Arnold Yapelli, Albert
Gross, Joe Mocnik, Charles Young, Charles
Zimmer, Ruth

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