Fremontian 1936
John C. Fremont High School
Los Angeles, California Online casino Ireland
** The pages in this yearbook aren't numbered, but I believe there is a page missing. The names on the missing page would begin with J - L.
William Adamson | Violet Huber |
Marion Ailes | Fred Huffman |
Ed Alford | Frances Jacobsmeyer |
Lillian Ambroise | Charles Meleg |
Carl Anderson | Laveta Mitchell |
Lucille Anderson | Blanche Morino |
Ruth Anderson | Elaine Morril |
Orrell Ashton | Vernon Moye |
Betty Ayers | Alta Moyer |
Wilford Baker | Dominic Mumolo |
Bernice Bargman | James Murphy |
Laurence Bauman | Doris Muse |
Pearl Beach | John Myers |
Frank Beauregard | Beulah Newcomers |
Clarendon Bechtle | Florence Newman |
Gloria Bedrosian | Ruth Nichols |
Maebelle Beggerly | Jesse Nordhagen |
Francis Bennett | Rubie Norman |
Millard Berg | Shirley Norman |
Ashton Bigler | Leland O'Bar |
Joe Bishop | Carl Oberg |
Graydon Blue | Agnes Olson |
Robert Blue | Alfred Olson |
Hannah Bolson | Mario Luis Orozco |
James Bradshaw | Paul Ortman |
Theodor Braun | Bernice Owen |
Elizabeth Breen | Marion Panner |
Joyce Brim | Earnest Pastorino |
Curtis Broughton | Naomi Perkins |
Clara Brown | Grover Perrigue |
Gladys Brown | Dorothy Petersen |
John Brown | Myra Pirt |
Lawrence Brown | William Plasch |
Lucille Brown | Frances Plocker |
Mary Brown | Melvin Potter |
Cecil Bryan | Lucy Pyeatte |
Dorothy Camp | Bessie Radoumis |
Edna Campbell | Jacob Reinsch |
Arthur Cantor | Nadine Rhoads |
Robert Carlson | Mary Rhodes |
Jack Carroll | William Robertson |
William Case | Lloyd Roche |
Esther Caufield | Roy Roderick |
Tom Chrysler | Harold Rogers |
Wilma Clark | Thurman Rogers |
Jack Coady | Frank Rosato |
Eathel Collings | Mary Rothmeier |
Lucille Conkle | Ray Roy |
Dorothy Cooper | Gus Ruppert |
Wayne Cooper | Carmel Russo |
Frank Costigan | Lillian Sabo |
Clarence Cozby | Archie Sanchez |
Victor Craig | Bob Sayers |
Harold Crawford | June Schaaf |
Milton Crookston | Anita Schmid |
Joe Cuevas | Harold Schmoldt |
Juanita Cummings | Alice Schweer |
Rosie Cupelli | James Scruggs |
Henry Dalton | Magdalen Sebastian |
Bertha Davidson | Ruby Seibert |
Ruth Davidson | Maurice Sheerer |
Louise Davis | Jacqueline Shipley |
Syble Davis | Dallas Sigler |
Norton Deal | Velma Sisson |
Winifred Dees | Richard Smith |
Atlee Deinert | Theodore Smith |
Janet Delgado | George Smithson |
Ralph Dent | Mary Anne Sparks |
Frank Dobrovolny | Enid Spealman |
Gerald Docken | Jack Spencer |
Viola Dorsey | Cleo Stanley |
Dorothy Doyle | Bernice Steinbach |
Dona Driscall | Joe Steiner |
Isabel Duff | Howard Stephens |
Jack Dumont | Marjorie Stiles |
Andre Durocher | Marion Strachota |
Geraldine Dykema | Harold Strand |
Walter Dykstra | Frank Stricker |
George Edwards | Fred Stromsoe |
Richard Edwards | Arvella Strong |
Helen Egge | Margaret Sweeten |
Victor Endres | Ray Taylor |
Dale Engevretsen | Heber Themm |
Evelyn Erickson | Marcelle Thomas |
Olga Erland | Robert Thomas |
Marian Eskew | Bengie Thompson |
Joe Evans | Lulabelle Thompson |
Frank Ferrante | Nina Towner |
Sam Ferrante | Helen Turnbull |
Froma Freedman | Nedra Utech |
Velma Gaddy | Pete Vienna |
Bill Gallagher | Estelle Villareal |
Norman Gaskins | Robert Vleerick |
Earl Gauthier | Elsie May Wagner |
Ramona Gilster | John Walker |
Margaret Goeman | Homer Wallace |
Helen Goldsmith | Marvin Wand |
Margaret Gonzalez | Robert Ware |
Eleanor Gordon | Irene Waterman |
Geraldine Graaf | Rose Weber |
Kathryn Graham | Renda Wedel |
Doyle Graves | Ruth Wehrle |
Ella Green | Paul White |
Leonard Gruener | Rodney Whitlow |
George Guyer | Lloyd Wickizer |
William Guyer | Charles Williams |
Doris Hamilton | Eleanor Williams |
Dorothy Hampsmire | Cecil Wilson |
Douglas Hands | Woodrow Wilson |
Jack Harrison | Ray Woernel |
Rose Hartunian | La Verne Wolfe |
Muriel Hedrick | Franklin Woodliff |
Edith Heinrich | Lois Young |
Don Herfter | Patricia Yount |
Dwight Hewitt | Aleda Zinck |
Virginia Hoffer | John Zippi |
Mary Hoover | Nellie Zumault |
Marjory Hough | |
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