June 1937
Faculty and Administration
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Mary F. Callahan, Social Science; Paul H. Demaree, History; Olive Potter, History; William V. Rickel, Social Science; Charles H. Rinehart, Social Science; Deane Sue Russell, Social Science; D. F. Lehmer, Commercial; Cathleen McFaul, Commercial; Mason Henry, Commercial, German and Latin; Velda M. Barnes, Mathematics; Olive Cocke, Mathematics; Marjorie Pibel, Mathematics.
Laura Gene Frantz, English, Botany, Physiology; C. George Hedstrom, Chemistry, Photography; Harold W. Hollinger, Mathematics, Radio and Biology; L. Frank Kellogg, vice-Principal, Physics, Mathematics; Minnie R. Spicer, Science and Mathematics; Wm. Daniel Everhart, Agriculture; Lois K. Dyer, Spanish; V. Virginia Hugg, Spanish; Marion E. Murman, Latin and French; A. Helene Ehlers, Music; Katherine Potter, Music; J. W. Williams, Music.
Ruth A. Moore, Home Economics; Dorothy D. Powell, Home Economics; Verna E. Rigdon, Home Economics; Edith M. Weber, Art and Costume Design; Madge W. Sproull, German, French and Study-Hall; Alice Bate White, Study-Hall and Naturalization; Harry L. Burden, Mechanical Drawing; Volney E. Hawley, Auto Shop; A. Phillip LeTourneau, Machine Shop; Lloyd S. Ross, Printing; J. L. Van der Veer, Wood Shop.
Richard M. Glover, Physical Education; Richard Ryan, Physical Education; Linda H. Koesel, Physical Education; Mary Jane Van Booven, Physical Education; Elsie C. Burrman, Accounting; D. William Davis, Accounting; Frieda Gay, Secretary - Bookkeeper; Elva M. Hamler, Attendance Clerk; Dorothy Peck, Secretary to Principal; Fay Stanley, Registrar; W. D. Junkin, Truant Officer. |